Friday, May 29, 2009

The First 36 Hours

It's great being back home in Nepal.

After being efficiently screened for swine flu, Sudip greeted me and whisked me away from Tribhuvan Airport in a trusty taxi. We ate lunch at one of our favorite rooftop cafes and caught up on the news. It was good to see my family at Himalaya's Guest House and READ Nepal.

I also had a fun evening at the Entrepreneurs of Nepal meeting at Buzz Cafe meeting the powerfully creative trio: Ashutosh Tiwari, Ujwal Thapa and Sagar Onta...the group's founders. Good to see around 40 young people in attendance. If a jet-lag induced sleep hadn't been about to overtake me I would've stayed longer.

I slept well to a beautiful monsoon rainfall and enjoyed a very interesting breakfast conversation with Pem, Moni's husband. The bitten rice was pretty cool too.

It is good to have Viviane in the READ office and we are about to head over to Mike's Breakfast for a photo exhibit that will be introduced by the American ambassador.

Tonight is a Newari "eating festival" as it was explained to me by my host Dad, Mohan.

Trust me. Newari eating festivals are ALWAYS a good thing!

Can you see why I love this place?


  1. Anonymous said...
    So happy you made it safely! Greatly looking forward to keeping up with your amazing journey through your blog and facebook, of course! I envy you, really. Nepal is so "old hat" for me now after 25 years, some of the magic has gone. Not all of it, though, as I return time and time again! Its the people I love the most, I think.They have taken me into their heart, and I have such a big family now. The Nepal I knew in the 1980's, the very medieval Kathmandu, is long gone, and that saddens me. But i'm always excited to see new faces who continue to be enchanted by the place. I'm still enchanted, but also a bit jaded I'm afraid. Maybe time to turn it over to the "young" ones, like you, who continue to have such vision and desire to help. You're amazing, Julie. So glad we connected! Maggie
    aliceinparis said...
    Not sure how I found your blog but I will look forward to your entries. I have always wanted to visit Nepal and to do it in a capacity of helping people must be grand:)
    Cheers, Shelagh

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