Wednesday, November 5, 2008

(Wish I had a photo but no cameras allowed in embassy!)

This morning (evening your time), I attended the election watch party at the American Embassy in Kathmandu.
There were about 250 Americans and embassy employees (Nepali) watching the results come in.

It was solidly an Obama crowd and with every state called the room echoed with cheers and applause. We were served a breakfast buffet and most of us had a beer in our hands (at 9am) when Barack gave that moving speech.
The young event photographer (American, about 28 years old) had to put down his camera because he was crying so hard. There was hardly a dry eye in the house and it was great to be there.

I have never been so proud to be an American and while I miss being there with all of you it is great to be in a country where the people are celebrating right along with us.

Tonight I'm attending an Obama celebration at Mike's Breakfast restaurant - it's a place started by an American Peace Corps volunteeer about 20 years ago.


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